Special thanks for ian Skennerton for information supplied from his book

* The Lee-Enfield Story (1993) Skennerton, Ian. Arms & Militaria Press, Gold Coast QLD (Australia)

ISBN 1-85367-138-X

To inquire about or purchase the following books, copies or plans, please e-mail Ian Skennerton at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ... Items ex-Australia, prices US$.

Visit Ians websites - www.enfieldcollector.com and www.skennerton.com

  Armourer's Drawings, fold out full-size work charts for .303 Magazine Lee-Metford & Magazine Lee-Enfield Rifles & Carbines, 1890-1899...
Full set of 22 on acid free paper, better than originals as these are rolled rather than folded, old fold marks retouched. $100.00 plus post in long mailing tube.
Short set of 13 which has essential models, $55.00 plus post in mailing tube.
  Armourer's Drawings, fold out work charts for .303 Short Magazine Lee- Enfield, Marks I, I*, I***, II Cd., III, IV Cd., & III*, .22 No.2, No.3, 1905-1945...
Set of 10 on acid free paper, better than originals as these are rolled rather than folded, old fold marks retouched. $50.00 plus postage in long mailing tube.
  Armourer's Drawings, fold out full-size work charts for .577 Snider, .450 Martini-Henry & Martini-Enfield Rifles & Carbines, 1869-1899...
Set of 6 on acid free paper, better than originals as these are rolled rather than folded, old fold marks retouched. $30.00 plus post in long mailing tube.
  Armourer's Charts, fold out full-size revolver prints for .450 Enfield Mk I & II, .455 Webley Mks I- VI, .380 Enfield & No.1 Signal Pistol, 1890-1945...
Set of 10 on acid free paper, better than originals as these are rolled rather than folded, old fold marks retouched. $50.00 plus post in a long mailing tube.
  Armourer's Drawings, fold out Australian full-size charts for the .303 Bren, Vickers, Lewis, Hotchkiss, Boys & mounts, SAID & DD(E) WW1-WW2...
Set of 10 on acid free paper, better than originals as these are rolled rather than folded, old folds retouched. $50.00 plus post in a long mailing tube.
  Factory production & armourer's drawings, full-size for the P'07 Aust. bayonet variants, Owen MC bayonets, Machete bayonet, WW2 era...
Set of 6 on acid free paper, better than the originals as blueprints have been reversed and old folds retouched. $25.00 plus post in a mailing tube.
  Instructional Charts, original size. Vickers, Lewis, Bren, Thompson & SMLE, Australian issue from WW2...
Set of 5 sheets slightly larger than A3. Newly printed on acid free paper, any old fold marks retouched. $12.00 plus post in a mailing tube.

The large charts are terrific references with all of the parts shown along with some armourers details for fitting and other specifications for more information, e.g. List of Changes paras. They also make great wall charts for displays, den, gun room or office. Copied on large architect plan printers, these are not so light sensitive as originals and the modern acid-free paper will last much longer too.

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.303 RIFLE No. 1, S.M.L.E. Skennerton
Soft cover, 11¾ x 8¼ in., 48 pp, over 60 illust.; photos, assembly drawings, durable thread-sewn binding & plastic laminated covers, 1993, reprint 2000, updated 2004. ISBN 0 949749 19 2.
Ideal for a workshop & ready reference, exploded parts diagrams, stripping & assembly details & accessories information. Components of the different Mk I, Mk III & III* models are compared, visually and in text. Ideal for the beginner and advanced collector alike.
(SAIS #1) US$9.95, A$11.00


Soft cover, 11¾ x 8¼ in., 48 pp, over 60 illust. in photos & line drawings, durable thread-sewn binding with laminated covers, 2001. ISBN 0 949749 25 7. Historical & technical descriptions of limited production De Lisle silenced commando carbine models and assorted gas operated conversions of the Lee- Enfield rifle in England, New Zealand, South Africa & Australia, over forty-year time frame.
(SAIS #13) US$9.95, A$11.00

.303 RIFLE No. 4 Skennerton
Soft cover, 11¾ x 8¼ in., 48 pp, over 60 illust.; photos, assembly & pattern drawings, thread- sewn binding & plastic laminated covers, 1993, reprinted & updated, 2001. ISBN 0 949749 20 6.
The best ready reference & workshop guide for any restoration or identification along with the stripping & assembly details, accessories information & markings. Components drawings compare the different production & model variations.
(SAIS #2) US$9.95, A$11.00

.303 LEWIS MACHINE GUN Skennerton
Soft cover, 11¾ x 8¼ in., 48 pp, over 60 illust.; photos, assembly & pattern drawings, durable stitched binding & plastic laminated covers, 2001. ISBN 0 949749 42 7.
Lewis ground and aircraft gun variants in British Empire service along with appropriate references to its US counterpart manufactured by Savage. The service details, maintenance & stripping, accessories & spares are described in this classic reference.
(SAIS #14) US$9.95, A$11.00

9mm AUSTEN Mk I & OWEN Mk I SMG Skennerton
Soft cover, 11¾ x 8¼ in., 48 pp, over 60 illust.; photos, assembly & pattern drawings. Durable stitched binding with plastic laminated covers, 1993. ISBN 0 949749 24 9.
Australia’s best known machine carbines detailed and stripped; full components lists & exploded parts drawings. Sections on armourer stripping & assembly details, accessories & markings and notes on the different models.
(SAIS #3) US$9.95, A$11.00

.450 & .303 MARTINI RIFLES & CARBINES Skennerton
Soft cover, 11¾ x 8¼ in., 48 pp, over 60 illust.; photos, assembly & pattern drawings, durable stitched binding & plastic laminated cover, 2002. ISBN 0 949749 44 3.
The .450 Martini-Henry, .303 Martini-Metford and .303 Martini-Enfield conversions along with exploded detail drawings of all the parts with armourer's maintenance & service manual stripping instructions. Many accessories are listed along with the appropriate List of Changes references. (SAIS #15) US$9.95, A$11.00

.303 RIFLE No. 5 Mk I Skennerton
Soft cover, 11¾ x 8¼ in., 48 pp, over 60 illust.; photos, assembly & pattern drawings, durable sewn binding & plastic laminated cover, 1994.
ISBN 0 949749 21 4.
Continuing the Lee-Enfield series of armourer service maintenance, this also details the various No.4 and No.5 serial number ranges so that a ‘fake’ No.5 can be readily identified. Original lightened parts between the No.4 & No.5 are also compared. (SAIS #4) US$9.95, A$11.00

Soft cover, 11¾ x 8¼ in., 48 pp, over 60 illust.; photos, assembly & pattern drawings, durable stitched binding & plastic laminated cover, 2003. ISBN 0 949749 45 1.
Martini & Magazine Lee Morris tubes, Cadet Martinis, War Office trainers, Ross, Mossberg & Cooey trainers embrace the British, Canadian, Australian, New Zealand and South African issues with .22 Lee-Enfield variants. (SAIS #16) US$9.95, A$11.00

Soft cover, 11¾ x 8¼ in., 48 pp, over 60 illust.; photos, assembly & pattern drawings, durable thread-sewn binding with plastic laminated cover, 1994. Updated 2004. ISBN 0 949749 23 0.
Four different marks of Bren described with sizeable array of interchangeable parts & sub- assemblies. Accessories, company & battalion spares are shown along with service stripping & maintenance schedules. (SAIS #5) US$9.95, A$11.00

Soft cover, 11¾ x 8¼ in., 48 pp, over 70 illust.; photos, assembly & pattern drawings, durable stitched binding & plastic laminated cover, 2003. ISBN 0 949749 46 X.
The Thompson in British, Canadian, Australian & Commonwealth wartime service. Model 1928A1 & M1 models, accessories and parts drawings along with armourers maintenance & stripping instructions. Serial numbers, markings and inspection are also discussed. (SAIS #17) $US9.95, A$11.00

Soft cover, 11¾ x 8¼ in., 48 pp, with over 60 pattern drawings, sewn binding & laminated cover, 1994. ISBN 0 949749 36 9.
Extracted from turn of the century tables & drawings, specifications and measurements have been added from the ‘List of Changes in British War Material’ to make an invaluable reference on the various patterns of swords, sabres, foils & lances.
(SAIS #6) US$9.95, A$11.00
  7.62mm L42A1 SNIPER, L39A1, L8 & 2A LEE-ENFIELD CONVERSIONS Skennerton
Soft cover, 11¾ x 8¼ in., 48 pp, 80 illust.; photos, assembly & armourers drawings. Stitched binding & plastic laminated cover, 2004. ISBN 0 949749 48 6.
7.62mm NATO ROF conversions, trade and India's Ishapore recent variant of the Rifle No.1 (SMLE). Lithgow conversion of the trials No.6 carbine are also described and shown. This SAIS also lists serial nos., manufacturer markings & inspection.
(SAIS #18) US$9.95, A$11.00
Soft cover, 11¾ x 8¼ in., 48 pp, over 60 illust.; photos, assembly & pattern drawings, thread-sewn binding & plastic laminated cover, 1997.
ISBN 0 949749 25 7.
Using Enfield factory inspectorate drawings, the different models of ‘Long Lee’ rifles & carbines with all components are laid bare, make this an invaluable reference. Accessories are also shown. (SAIS #7) US$9.95, A$11.00
  AUSTRALIA'S S.M.L.E. VARIATIONS Skennerton & Labudda
Soft cover, 11¾ x 8¼ in., 48 pp, 75+ illust.; photos, assembly & armourers drawings. Stitched binding & plastic laminated cover, 2004. ISBN 0 949749 49 4.
Special Lithgow models of the No.1 Rifle are described, along with the Heavy barrels, sniper model and competition aperture sights and No.6 Jungle Carbine. Wartime OA, BA, FA and WA annex production details along with bayonets and the later 7.62mm trials and conversion of No.1 and No.6 models. (SAIS #19) US$9.95, A$11.00


.303 VICKERS MACHINE GUN Mk I Skennerton
Soft cover, 11¾ x 8¼ in., 48 pp, over 60 illust.; photos, assembly & pattern drawings, durable stitched binding & plastic laminated cover, 1997. ISBN 0 949749 22 2.
The ground pattern Vickers gun is stripped down to expose the mechanical wonders of one of the world’s most famous and reliable machine guns. Service details, maintenance & stripping, accessories & spares are described in this classic reference. (SAIS #8) US$9.95, A$11.00
Soft cover, 11¾ x 8¼ in., 48 pp, 60+ illust.; photos, assembly & armourers drawings. Stitched binding, plastic laminated, 2005. ISBN 0 949749 63 X.
The first general issue British rifle & carbine series was made on production line machinery, and features interchangeable component parts along with bayonets and accessories. The relevant Snider breech-loaders and Indian models are also detailed. (SAIS #20) US$9.95, A$11.00
  .455 WEBLEY No. 1 REVOLVERS Skennerton
Soft cover, 11¾ x 8¼ in., 48 pp, 60+ illust.; photos, assembly & pattern drawings, thread-sewn binding, laminated cover, 1997. ISBN 0 949749 30 3.
A ready comparison of the various marks of Webley service revolvers with interchangeability charts of parts between Mks 1 - VI. An invaluable reference for owners of the .455 Webley revolvers, for maintenance or restoration.
(SAIS #9) US$9.95, A$11.00


.30 cal. BROWNING MODEL 1919A4 MACHINE GUN Skennerton
Soft cover, 11¾ x 8¼ in., 48 pp, more than 60 illust.; photos, assembly & armourers drawings. Durable stitched binding & plastic laminated covers, 2006.
ISBN 0 949749 32 X.
United States, British, Canadian and Australian pams & manuals are the basis for this study of the decades of service of this renowned flexiblae & fixed gun. Relevant armourer information on set-up and timing also makes this a comprehensive reference. (SAIS #21) US$9.95, A$11.00
  .303 RIFLE No. 3, PATTERN 1914 & SNIPING VARIANTS Skennerton
Soft cover, 11¾ x 8¼ in., 48 pp, over 60 illust.; photos, assembly & pattern drawings, durable thread-sewn binding, laminated plastic covers, 1998. ISBN 0 949749 36 2.
Manufactured in the United States by Winchester, Remington & Eddystone factories, the P’14 is also compared part by part with its US Model 1917 counterpart. WW1 & WW2 sniper conversions of the British Pattern 1914 rifle are also described.
(SAIS #10) US$9.95, A$11.00
Soft cover, 11¾ x 8¼ in., 48 pp, over 60 illust., photos, assembly & pattern drawings, thread-sewn binding with plastic laminated covers, 2008.
ISBN 978 0 949749 86 4.
Updated production of our 1984 'British Sniper' book, with many more drawings and details of the mounts and telescopic sights. Canadian, Australian & Indian models are included along with a synopsis of the relevant markings.
(SAIS #22) US$9.95, A$11.00
  9mm STEN MACHINE CARBINE Mks 1, 1*, 2 & 3 Skennerton
Soft cover, 11¾ x 8¼ in., 48 pp, over 60 illust.; photos, assembly & pattern drawings, durable stitched binding, plastic laminated covers, 1999. ISBN 0 949749 27 3.
Comparative descriptions of the three earlier Marks of Sten SMG and the many contractors & sub-contractors who supplied parts. Ideal for restoration or identification; stripping & assembly details, the relevant accessories & manufacturers markings.
(SAIS #11) $9.95, A$11.00

Soft cover, 11¾ x 8¼ in., 48 pp, 100's illust. photos, assembly & drawings. Durable thread-sewn binding, plastic laminated covers, 2009.
ISBN 978 0 949749 87 1. Due out next year, 2009.
Part by part illustrated evolution from the Magazine Lee-Metford in 1889 to the final 7.62mm L39 and L42A1 models in the 1970s. Rifles, carbines and trainers, the development and progression of action bodies, bolts, barrels, sights, furniture & fittings.
(SAIS #23) US$9.95, A$11.00
  7.62mm L1A1 & C1 F.A.L. RIFLES
Soft cover, 11¾ x 8¼ in., 48 pp, over 60 illust.; photos & assembly drawings, durable thread binding, plastic laminated covers, 2001. ISBN 0 949749 29 X.
7.62mm NATO British, Australian & Canadian inch-system FN FAL rifles and accessories described and compared, with armourers drawings. The South African metric R1 and Indian 7.62mm 1A FAL rifle equivalents are also brought into this authoritative comparison. (SAIS #12) US$9.95, A$11.00
Soft cover, 11¾ x 8¼ in., 36 pp, more than 90 illust.; full colour photos & drawings. Durable stitched binding & plastic laminated covers, 2005. ISBN 0 949749 81 8.
This long-awaited booklet details tips & tricks for accurising and shooting the MLE, SMLE and No.4 series of Lee-Enfield rifles. Armourer tools and their use are also well illustrated. Competition aperture sights and other target shooting accessories are described and illustrated too, all in full colour. (SAIS style) $15.00
  The Small Arms Identification Series is an ongoing series of durable 48-page large format armourer's, service & instruction manuals. Projected titles include '9mm Sten Machine Carbine Mks V & VI', '.380 Enfield & Webley Mk IV Revolvers', et cetera.

Further details on S.A.I.S. titles listed on ‘Future Titles'.


See our new HANDBOOK titles on a wide variety of rifles, pistols, shotguns, &c. 9mm Luger; C'96 Mauser; P-38; 9mm Browning HP; 9mm Makarov; Mosin-Nagant Rifles & Carbines; 7.62x39mm SKS; AK-47; M1903 Springfield; US M1 Carbine; US M1 Garand; .45 M1911; FN-FAL; 12ga Win. M12; 12ga Win. M97; Win-chester M70 rifle; Win. M1894 Rifle & Carbine; US M14; AR15 & M16; US M17/P14; .303 Rifle No.4; SMLE; Mauser; Type 38 Arisaka; Type 99 Arisaka; Japanese Service Pistols; S&W Revolvers, .22 Ruger Mk I & II, &c.

‘The LEE-ENFIELD’ Skennerton
A Century of Lee-Metford & Lee-Enfield Rifles & Carbines. Hard cover, 11¾ x 8¾ in., 608 pp, 1,200+ illust., dust jacket, 2007. ISBN 978 0 949749 82 6.
The final, updated successor to ‘British Service Lee’ and 'Lee-Enfield Story'. New chapters include Serial Numbers, Hybrids, Components Evolution, Ammun-ition, &c. Enlarged index, also features red, white & blue ribbon markers. US$79.50, A$99.00, plus p&p

The Complete Reference Guide to Weapons, Maker’s Codes & 1936-1946 Contracts.
Hard cover w/ dust jacket, 9½ x 6 in., 110 pages, 36 illustrations, 1988. ISBN 0 949749 09 5.
These WW2 manufacturers’ codes and contract details are an invaluable reference for the serious researcher and collector, extracted from original Ministry of Supply handwritten ledgers. US$25.00, A$33.00 plus p&p

Catalogued Encyclopedia of Collective Pistols & Revolvers. Hayes & Skennerton
Hard cover, 11¾ x 8¾ in., 592 pp, 3,550 colour illust., dust jacket, 2007. ISBN 978 0 949749 83 3.
This full-colour presentation is arranged from A-Z... Australasia, British, Colt, Demonstration Cut-away, Enfield, Free Western Europe, Germanic, High Standard, Italy, &c. to Zuid Afrik Republic. US$84.50, A$120.00, plus p&p

‘A TREATISE ON THE BRITISH MILITARY MARTINI Vol. I, .450 Martini-Henry., 1869-c.1900’ Temple & Skennerton
Hard cover, 11 x 8¾ in., 256 pp, 114 illust., dust jacket, 1983 (2nd printing 1996). ISBN 0 9596108 8 X.
This 2nd printing features better quality art paper and illustrations, serving to enhance what was already the standard reference work on these renowned British Empire and Colonial service .450-in. bore breech- loading rifles and carbines. US$60.00 plus p&p

‘The BROAD ARROW’ Skennerton
British & Empire Factory Production, Proof, Inspection, Armourers, Unit & Issue Markings.
Soft cover, 11 x 8¾ in., 140 pp, circa 80 illust., 2001. ISBN 0 949749 43 5.
Hard cover numbered edition is now sold out.
Thousands of service markings are illustrated and their applications on rifles, pistols, edged weapons, &c. described. Invaluable reference on units, also ideal for medal collectors. US$29.95, A$33.00

‘A TREATISE ON THE BRITISH MILITARY MARTINI Vol. II, .40 & .303 Martinis, 1880-c.1920’ Temple & Skennerton
Hard cover, 11 x 8¾ in., 213 pp, 135 illust., dust jacket, 1989. ISBN 0 9596108 6 3.
The 2nd volume in this 3-part series, the trials Enfield- Martini and subsequent .303 converted rifles and carbines are thoroughly detailed. The .303 Martini was essentially a reserve grade arm in the British service but it was a front line issue to Colonial forces. US$60.00
British Service Longarms, 1866-c.1880.
cover, 9½ x 6 in., 240 pp plus 8 colour plates, 100 illust., dust jacket, 2003. ISBN 0 949749 47 8. The definitive study of Britain's first breech-loading rifle, at first converted from Enfield muskets, then newly made with Mk III breech. The trials, development, rifle and carbine models are detailed; new information along with descriptions of the cartridges. US$39.50, A$55.00 plus p&p

‘A TREATISE ON THE BRITISH MILITARY MARTINI Vol. III, Manufacture, Training Arms & Accessories’ Temple & Skennerton
Hard cover, 11 x 8¾ in., 178 pp, 350 illust., dust jacket, 1995. ISBN 0 9596108 7 1.
This final volume of the series is a wealth of information on the manufacture, many and various markings found on Martini rifles and carbines and the contemporary magazine Lee rifles, along with the many Martini accessories and fittings. US$60.00 plus p&p


‘.303 No. 4 (T) SNIPER RIFLE’
Laidler & Skennerton
Hard cover edition only, 9½ x 6 in., 126 pp, 80 illust., no dust jacket, 1992. ISBN 0 949749 17 6.
An Armourer's Perspective of the British No.4 (T);
the Holland & Holland Connection.
Relevant telescopic sights, cases, slings and access-ories are also detailed. Those 7.62mm conversions which resulted in the L42A1 are also described in the final chapters. US$29.95, A$33.00 plus p&p

New, soft cover, thread-sewn binding, 2005. 11 x 8¾ in., 36 pp, well illustrated in colour. ISBN 0 949749 81 8.
Tips and tricks for competition shooting of early Lee-Enfield, SMLE and No.4 series rifles. Comprehensive illustrated descriptions of the use of tools and gauges, aperture rear sights and range accessories. Standard military and accurized set-up, stock bedding and the fitting of heavy barrels are also described. Truly a Lee-Enfield shooter's guide to success! US$15.00 plus p&p


Skennerton & Stamps
Hard & soft cover ed's, 9½ x 6 in., 126 pp, 80 illust., hard cover dust jacket, 1992. ISBN 0 949749 16 8.
British service revolvers were made by contractors, primarily Webley. But in the 1920s, RSAF production began and variants introduced; WW2 production was farmed out to Scotland’s Albion works, a few were made by HAC in NSW, Australia during WW2 too.
PB US$19.95, HC US$29.95; A$33.00 & A$22.00
plus pack & post


Check our new Handbooks page:
‘9mm Luger’ ‘C96 Mauser Pistol’
‘.45 M1911A1' ‘9mm Walther P-38’
'12ga Win. Model 12' ‘7.62mm Mosin Nagant’
'.30 US Model 1917' ‘12ga Win. Model 97’
'5.56mm AR15 - M16' ‘Model 1903 Springfield’
'M1, M1A1, M2 Carbine' ‘FN FAL’
'.30 M1 Garand' ‘U.S. 7.62mm M14’
'7.62x39mm SKS’ ‘7.62mm AK-47’
‘9mm Makarov’ ‘9mm Browning HP’
‘Winchester Model 94’ ‘Winchester Model 70’
'Winchester .22 Mod. 61' 'Mauser Rifles & Carbines'
'.303 S.M.L.E. No.1' '.303 British No.4 Rifle'

Hard cover edition only, 9½ x 6 in., 124 pp, 205 illust., dust jacket, 1988. ISBN 0 949749 11 7.
200 years of service longarms and bayonets from colonial times through federation. From Brown Bess through percussion Enfield, Snider and Martini rifles, short rifles & carbines, through the long and short Lee-Enfields to 7.62mm L1A1 and current issue 5.56mm F88 Steyr AUG. US$29.95, A$33.00
plus pack & post

See 'Small Arms Identification Series' page:
‘.303 Rifle No. 1, S.M.L.E.’ new reprint [SAIS #1]
‘.303 Rifle No. 4’ new reprint [SAIS #2]
‘.303 Rifle No. 5’ reprinted [SAIS #4]
‘.303 Lee-Metford & Lee-Enfield Rifles' [SAIS #7]
‘.455 Webley No. 1 Revolvers’ [SAIS #9]
‘.303 Rifle No.3, P'14 & sniper variants’ [SAIS #10]
‘7.62mm L1 & C1 FAL Rifles’ [SAIS #12]
‘Special Service Lee-Enfields’ [SAIS #13]
‘.450 & .303 Martini Rifles & Carbines’ [SAIS #15]
‘British Empire Cadet Training Rifles’ [SAIS #16]
‘7.62 L42A1, L39A1, L8 & 2A Conversions’ [SAIS #18]
‘Australian S.M.L.E. Variations’ [SAIS #19]
‘.577 Pattern 1853 Enfield & Snider’ [SAIS #20]
‘British Empire Sniper Rifles’ [SAIS #22]